Get all the features you need in one website
Easily and Quicky you can share your website cum digital card in many social media plateform like whatsapp, facebook, twitter, linkedin and many more in a single click to your clients, your enquiries, your friends, your colleagues or to anyone and that too unlimited times...
Everyone can save your contact details in their phone address book via just one click. Even you have entered multiple number in portal then mutiple number with same contact will be saved along with your other details like business name, email id and etc...
Everyone can Generate and Save thier custom generated QR Code of Website cum Digital Visiting Card via just One Click. Now no need to type full link, just Scan the QR code and your digital card would be opened in mobile. You can Download this QR code and print it too so that everyone can easily scan and open your Digital Visiting Card cum Website.
Showcase your Product Or Service Or Work Or Event Realted Images and Videos to everyone so that people can know more about your work.
When someone asks to send them hi on whatsapp, it is very time consuming time that you need to save number first and then you can say them a hi but via India Go Digital Website, You can whatsapp to anyone Without saving their number and Everyone can Whatsapp you. Without saving your number.
It also helps you to avoid saving unnecessary contacts in your phone.
You can get enquiries for your Product Or Service Or Work Or Event very easily and you can directly get the information about the person who has sent the enquiry from the website. It will help you to connect with everyone quickly. It will help you to grow in the market.
In this digital world, Now reviews are the most important thing to build a trust. People can see your reviews and get to know more about genuinity of your website. Everyone can see appreciation that you have received and that will help them to choose you over other people...
We have unique bunch of layouts as per your need. You can change your digital card & website design as many time as you want from below given beautiful templates. Please click on View Demo to see the design. Website Option is also there..!! Don't forget to check that out as well..
First Time in india, You Can Recharge For Your Website - A concept by TWT Team..
All Price are GST Included.
As our website name itself says, India Go Digital... We have a vision to make every indian available digitally on this portal. No one should feel that they can not afford website and it is very tough to have a digital identity. Everyone should have their own digital identity even though if they are a businessman or a student or employee or selling tea or in any profession.
Everybody should have their own website in affordable price with flexible recharge plans. Everyone should be able to send their digital visiting card to anyone and show case about their work or business or product or about themselves.
Founded by a team of IT experts with combined experience of 20 Plus years in IT industry & inspired by "Make in India", The WildTigers Technologies has launched this portal for everyone who wants to make themself available digitally and want to have their own website quickly, easily and with affortable price.